How to Care for Your Oil Tank This Summer

Summertime brings warmer weather, longer days, and great opportunities to be productive outside. Although there’s so much to experience during this time of year, you still shouldn’t forget about maintaining your home’s heating system during this time. Your oil tank needs care during this part of the year — just like during the winter — […]
Heavy Rain Can Cause Plumbing Issues — Here’s How

Many of us take steps to protect our homes against the damaging effects of rain. For instance, if you have a basement, there’s a good chance you have a sump pump to prevent flood water from getting into your home. It’s probably also safe to say that you clean your gutters and have your roof […]
5 Advantages of Buying a Home with Heating Oil

When old man winter arrives, there’s no better feeling than having a comfortable, heated home to spend time in. Heat is an absolute necessity during the colder months. Without it, your family’s safety could be put in jeopardy. So if you’re currently moving, you probably want to purchase a home with a heating system that […]
How Often Should I Change the Air Filter in My Furnace?

During the hottest months of the year, it’s not a stretch to say that your air conditioner receives a lot of praise and attention. The same can be said for your furnace, which hogs the spotlight when temperatures plummet and your main priority is staying cozy. Although many components make up our heating and cooling […]
When Is the Best Time to Buy Heating Oil?

As a homeowner, it’s natural to want your family to be as comfortable as possible. This is especially true during the coldest months of the year when you have to put the heat on full blast to keep Jack Frost at bay. If you’re already thinking about the winter months ahead, you might be wondering: […]
5 Home Energy Savings Tips for Southeast Pennsylvanians

You’re always using energy as a homeowner. From powering up your air conditioner during the summer to charging your smartphone overnight, various appliances and devices use electricity. This means that there are various reasons your electric bills can rise. Are you looking for ways to save energy at home? At Marshall Services, our residential technicians […]
How Can You Benefit From Air Conditioner Maintenance?

There’s nothing more refreshing than an air-conditioned home during a hot Pennsylvania summer. However, it can be easy for many of us to take this cool air for granted, especially when we encounter it every day. Although it can be easy to ignore your air conditioning system when it’s working correctly, you shouldn’t overlook the […]
5 Reasons Why Changing Your Furnace Filter is Important

When cold weather arrives in Pennsylvania, our furnaces work hard to keep us comfortable, warm, and safe while at home. Regularly replacing your furnace filter will ensure your furnace is working in peak condition. It’s best to replace the filter once a month to prevent it from getting clogged with dirt, dust, and other debris. […]
The Pros and Cons of Forced Air Heating

If you’re looking to install a new heater in your home, there’s a high chance that you’re considering a forced air heating system. After all, the most popular types of forced air heating systems among homeowners are furnaces, which can be found in homes all across the country. Unlike radiant heating, forced air heating systems […]
Five Tips for Choosing the Best Heating Oil Company

Keeping your home’s heating system in good working condition requires different parts working together to provide your home the heat you need in the winter months. One aspect of the system that you may overlook until it’s too late is your heating oil. Low or depleted heating oil can prove a likely culprit when your […]